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Where is Pripyat?

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This abandoned city is eternally bound by its ownthe history of existence with an accident at the nuclear power plant. Many heard about the tragedy, but not everyone can imagine exactly where the city of Pripyat is. It is located on the shore of the river of the same name three kilometers from the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (Chernobyl nuclear power plant, where the explosion itself occurred in 1986). Not far away is the border with Belarus. To Kiev - just over 90 km. It is the territory of Ukraine.

No one lives here

As of 1985, the population of Pripyat(according to the census) was slightly less than 50 thousand people. Now nobody lives there, all the residents left the city, they were evacuated to different areas of the state.

City `s history

It has a rather small gaptime - just over 15 years. Pripyat was founded in 1970, and the status of the city, and at all, received in 1979. The nuclear power plant, the construction and operation of which was planned here, was a city-forming enterprise. After all, numerous workers and their families needed to live somewhere. So there was a settlement, and then - a city (atomrad). I must say that by the standards of Pripyat was a fairly modern and prosperous city, where workers and employees of 25 nationalities lived. The annual population growth was up to one and a half thousand people.

Transport node

Pripyat was quite convenient andgeographically. Railway station, marina of river navigation along the Pripyat River, highways. All this made the city attractive in terms of transport interchanges.

The tragedy of ChNPP

In April 1986, the life of the inhabitants of the city in a momentcardinally changed. There was an explosion of the reactor at the nuclear power plant, which led to a huge release of radiation into the environment. As a result, life in the city and its environs became impossible and dangerous because of the high radiation background. Experts from the whole country gathered to eliminate the consequences of the accident, some of whom were killed in the first days of the accident, and many later, from the received radiation doses, which became deadly.


April 27, 1986 the population of the city was completelyevacuated by government decision. Now the city of Pripyat is in the Chernobyl exclusion zone. Here in many places there is still a high radiation background. Pripyat is called a ghost town. Until now, no one officially resides there.

About how to get there, read in the article How to get to Pripyat.

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