Many townspeople love to travel to nature. But much more pleasant and convenient, when in the middle of the city there are islands of wildlife. Then you can retire alone with nature at any time. Let's talk about what a park is. According to the definition, this is a territory or a land plot enclosed by naturally growing or specially planted vegetation.

In addition, the territory of parks is usuallyartistically decorated and ennobled. So it is difficult for guests of the capital to think over the organization of their leisure. In order to navigate with your route in Moscow, it is useful to get acquainted with our article What to do in Moscow.

What is the park and what kinds of parks are

In addition to vegetation (trees, bushes, flower beds andother. ) in parks there can be such objects as alleys, fountains, ponds, glades, sculptures, arbours, benches, etc., these are so-called landscape parks. Functions of this type of parks can be environmental, aesthetic, educational, cultural, recreational. One of the subspecies of landscape parks is the botanical park (garden), in which rare or incongruous species of this plant are grown.

There are also amusement parks thatequipped with attractions, carousels and other entertainment facilities, for example - cinemas, cafes and so on. Parks can also be in the nature of the relief - upland, gully, lowland, floodplain and so on. On purpose - sports, parks-museums, walking, parks of culture and recreation, etc. The park is also called the machinery park of an enterprise (a set of units of equipment).

The word can be used in this sentence: "The park in this city has about 100 plant species."

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