With the development of new technologies, we increasingly hear such phrases as a hybrid car, a hybrid video recorder, a hybrid product, a hybrid approach.

What is a hybrid?

What is a hybrid

Originally hybrids (from the Latin word hibrida- a hybrid) called only living organisms (plants and animals), which were obtained by crossing genetically different species among themselves. Later, the word "hybrid" also extended to mechanical devices and production products that combine the principle of action or properties of various things (read the special article What is a hybrid).

Let's see in what spheres of life the term "hybrid" can be applied.

What is a hybrid car

Hybrid is a car in whichTo drive the driving wheels, more than one energy source is used. Most often hybrid cars have two engines - an internal combustion engine and an electric motor.

What other things can be hybrid?

People working with security telesystems,face hybrid video recorders. These devices are able to receive and record signals from both conventional analog video cameras and modern network cameras with high resolution.

The products of modern technologies are suchInnovative products like hybrid terraced boards or glue-sealant. Hybrid boards are made of wood fibers and recycled plastic. When used, they will not rot or split.

Hybrid adhesive sealant is used both for gluing together various materials, and for sealing joints between them.

And this, of course, is not all examples. Any things that combine the properties of different objects can be called hybrid.

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