The concept of differential occurs in two sciences - mathematics and mechanics. Consider what a differential and its characteristics are in each of the applications.

Differential in mathematics

The differential of the function y = f (x) is equal to the product of its derivative by the increment of the independent variable x (argument). dy = f "(x) * Δx, that is, it is the linear part of the increment of the function.

The differential has properties analogous to the properties of the derivative:

  • Let u and v be functions of the independent variable x;
  • dC = 0 (C is a constant value);
  • d (u + v) = du + dv;
  • d (uv) = u dv + v du d (Cu) = C du;
  • d (u / v) = (v du - u dv) / v2.

Differential in mechanics

Using a differential in a vehicleallows the wheels of one axis to rotate at different angular speeds to enter the turn (inter-wheel differential), i.e. there is a redistribution of the torque between the wheels of one axis.

Types of differentials by purpose

  • open (without blocking);
  • closed (with locking).

Types of differentials by location

  • interwheel front / rear;
  • interaxial.

When the differential is locked, the moment is transmitted to the standing wheel or axle.

Types of differential locks:

  • active. The blocking occurs on the command of the electronic control unit: electrical coupling;
  • passive (no control units). Blocking occurs due to the design: screw, viscous coupling, friction.

To understand the differences in the types of differentials and their purpose in more detail, read the article How the differential works.

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