Debit - the amount of gas / water / oil / othera liquid that the source gives out over a certain period of time. The debit is the main integral characteristic of the source, which is used to determine its ability to generate a product. Before we deal with what is a debit, I must say that the concept should not be confused with another term in the economic sphere - a debit. About what such a debit, you can find out from the article What is a loan.

Debit: basic characteristics

The rate depends on the connection of the source with the adjacentit "fertile" layers (oil, water, gas, etc.), as well as seasonal conditions. So, for example, the behavior of groundwater can significantly affect the flow rate.

Units of flow rate for liquid sources - l / s (liters per second), m3/cm3/ h, m3/ day. For gas sources only one unit is used3/ day.

Production Rate

The production rate of a well is the volume of output thatis extracted from the well per unit of time. The concept of the average production rate of a well is also used: it is daily extraction from sources depending on the number of sources.

Companies that drill wells should measurethe flow rate of the received well and make the value obtained in the well passport. The customer must make sure that the specified figure corresponds to his requests. For example, a water well for household needs should have a flow rate of 3.5 m3/ h, this is enough to provide seven cranes at the same time.

Find more interesting terms in the Definitions section.

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