Polyphony is a "polyphony" or"polyphony". In this phenomenon, two or more voices simultaneously form a single musical composition, each of the voices being individual and independent. Despite the fact that the term is mainly used in music, it is often used in other branches of culture, science, technology. Let us consider in more detail what polyphony is in different areas.

Musical polyphony

In music, there are several varieties of thisphenomena: polyphony imitation, contrast, podgolosochnaya. Polyphony in music is known from ancient times: for example, polyphony of the Renaissance, choral polyphony of a strict style, polyphony of free style.

Science and Literature

Often the term "polyphony" is used inliterature to indicate the multifacetedness of the work of art. It is this term that critics characterize the works of talented writers, where multiple storylines, complex contradictory relationships between characters are seen. In particular, one can meet the "polyphony of novels" by FM Dostoevsky, T. Dreiser.

Modern technology

The development of modern technology was markedthe emergence of polyphony in mobile phones. Monophonic phones only play one note in the melody. Apparatus with polyphonic function reproduce up to 40 notes in a wide frequency range, allowing you to get a saturated, realistic sound output.

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