The angle, whose degree measure is 180 degrees,is called expanded. The sides of such an angle are antiparallel, that is, they are rays that go from one point to the opposite side. Simply put, the unfolded corner looks like a straight line.

Any ray drawn from a developed angle divides it into two angles, with the ray being the common side of the angles, and not the common sides lie on one straight line.

A ray drawn perpendicularly from the unfoldedangle, forms two right angles (two angles of 90 degrees). By the way, such a beam is called the bisector of the unfolded corner. Any other beam divides the unfolded angle into a blunt and sharp one. An obtuse angle is the angle, the degree measure is more than 90 degrees, the sharp angle is less than 90 degrees.

The study of deployed angles is part of the schoolcourse geometry. It should be noted that most tasks are aimed at determining the size of the corners, which forms a ray drawn from the deployed angle.

Now you know what the angle is called 180 degrees. For more information about the different types of angles, see the article What are the angles.

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