Not many people are well versed in variousterms, theories and laws of physics and chemistry. And some, maybe, just begin to study these disciplines. Therefore, certain concepts may be unknown or forgotten. For example, the word "ion" is familiar to very many people, however, let's remember what an ion is and what properties it possesses.

What is an ion

The word and the concept of "ion" came to us fromAncient Greek language and translated as "going." The ion is a charged particle. Consequently, the ion can have both a positive and a negative charge. A charged particle can be either an atom or a molecule or a free radical. The charge is then a multiple of the electron charge.

In a free state, ions are found everywhere in any aggregate state of matter. They can be found in gases, liquids, alloys, crystals and plasmas.

If the ion is negative, then it is called an anion, and a positive charge is called a cation. These names were introduced by the scientist Michael Faraday, who discovered ions.

The term "ion" was also introduced by a physicist and chemistMichael Faraday in 1834, when he studied the effect of electric current on various aqueous solutions. It was then that he concluded that the electrical conductivity of various alkaline, acidic and salt solutions depends on the motion of special particles, which he called ions and divided into positive and negative charges.

Ions have several basic physical properties:

  • Ions are active substances and interact with atoms, molecules, free radicals and the same ions. They participate in a variety of different reactions.
  • In an electric field, ions transfer electricity to the right electrodes with an opposite charge.
  • In living organisms, ions also play a huge role, conducting nerve impulses.
  • Ions can act as a catalyst or intermediate particles in chemical reactions.
  • Ionic reactions in electrolytic solutions occur instantaneously;
  • Positive hydrogen ions are protons in physics. Protons and neutrons form all the nuclei of atoms. Such a proton can be obtained by ionization of a hydrogen atom.

You can also read our useful section Physical concepts on this site.

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