The gallbladder is a human organ, and alsovertebrate animals, in which bile from the liver accumulates to further release it into the small intestine under the action of a special hormone, cholecystokinin.

Below is told about the structure, location and administration of the gallbladder.

Where is it located and what does it look like?

The gall bladder is located on the lower surfaceliver. The shape of the bladder is oval. In its structure it is a bag-shaped reservoir of somewhat elongated shape - one end wide, the other narrow. The transition from one end to the other is smooth. The length of the bubble varies from 8 to 14 cm, width - from 3 to 5 cm. The color of the bladder is greenish.


The gallbladder consists of the bottom (the widestpart), middle part and neck (narrow part). At the same time from the cervix leaves the gallbladder, in which the sphincter of Lutkens, regulating the exchange of bile, is located.

Why do you need a gallbladder?

So, as we have already said, the gallbladder transmitsbile to the small intestine. The main task of the gallbladder is to accumulate the proper amount of bile and transfer it to the intestines at the right time, namely when the food enters the stomach.

Bile in the intestine performs a variety of functions, andmost of them are associated with the organization of proper digestion. For example, bile provides a change of gastric digestion to the intestinal, filters cholesterol and other substances that can not be filtered by the kidneys, activates the enzymes required for protein digestion.

Is it possible to live without a gallbladder?

The gallbladder does not belong to the vitalorgans, and therefore with a serious disruption of its functioning (its causes in most cases are malnutrition - a violation of the regime, excessive consumption of alcohol and fatty foods, as well as liver dysfunction), for example, with bile congestion, patients are shown to be removed.

A person can live without a gallbladder, howeverat the same time it is necessary to adhere to a special diet and diet for the rest of life, to regularly hold special gymnastics, as well as drug therapy.

Read also:

  • How does the gallbladder hurt?
  • How to treat the gallbladder
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