Boom is a word that can be found in different contexts. What is boom? Let's try to understand the meanings.

  • The word boom can mean increased interest in anything, excessive revival associated with a particular event (the so-called hype).
  • Also, a boom can be called a period of increased economic recovery (investment boom, exchange boom).
  • In addition, this word is called a log; a sports projectile for gymnastic exercises.

The abbreviation BOOM stands for the Great Universal Miniature - this is the name of the regional youth festival of teams of KVN and STEM.

Many, probably, remember a series of films with the name "Boom", the main role in which played a young Sophie Marceau.

"Boom" can be found in other words, for example, boombox. About what this word means, you can read in the article What is a boom box.

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