With the development of high technologies in our lifebegan to appear a lot of strange terms, borrowed from technical slang or someone else's language. One of these terms is the word "launcher" (derived from the English "Launcher" - launcher or "launcher"). This word denotes a separate program or part of some software module that is responsible for working with the user, for example, the game launcher authorizes the user in the system, and also starts the game process for him. If you are interested in developing such software, then read the article How to create a launcher.

The word "launcher"received in the operating system environment. This is the name of the visual shell, which allows the user to interact with the computer. In addition, launchers exist on all modern smartphones, tablets and even "smart" TVs.

What is a launcher for Android or iOS?

All "smart" devices are equipped with launchers -programs that display the GUI of the OS, various user information and allow you to run installed applications. With this software, the smartphone is managed and configured. It should be noted that in the iOS operating system, the default launcher can not be changed to a third-party launcher. In this case Android OS from Google allows you to change it without any problems to other software, which will be more convenient for the user.

In most cases, it is from the quality of the launcherdepends on the convenience of managing the smartphone or tablet, as well as the location of the interface elements and the presence or absence of certain functions of the device.

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