Megaphone is a device for giving the voice more power and loudness. At the heart of the device is a horn. For comfortable use, current megaphones are equipped with a pen.

Electric megaphones

Today, electricmegaphones. They are assembled from a focused microphone, an electric voice amplifier, and also they include horn loudspeakers. In order to interest the crowd, modern electric megaphones reproduce the sound of a siren. Depending on the model, the power supply of modern electro-acoustic megaphones can be either ordinary batteries or batteries.

The history of the "megaphone"

The very word "megaphone" was used for the first timeinventor Thomas Edison in 1878, he also collected the first megaphone. This megaphone included two horns that were connected to each other with the help of a long hollow tube, which transmitted the sound. In the same year, another inventor, namely Werner von Siemens, combined the loudspeaker he invented earlier with a horn.

Megafon Company

In addition to all known meanings, the word "megaphone" inrecently acquired a completely new sound. In May 2002, a new mobile operator named MegaFon appeared on the telecommunications market. To date, it is one of the leading companies in the market for providing telecommunications.

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