The word "mini" can have many optionsUse, but its meaning is always about the same. About what "mini" is, read in our article. And about what other words mean, you can always find out on our website in the Definitions section.

"Mini" as part of a complex word

The component "mini", derived fromLatin "minimum", is used in very many words and means "reduced", "small", "short", "small". In this case, the "mini" is written, usually through a hyphen, although sometimes it can be used and merged. For example, a "mini-market" is a small store, as opposed to a large supermarket. "Mini vacation" - a short vacation. "Minicomputer" is a very compact computer. "Mini-tablet" - a small tablet with a screen diagonal of 6 or 7 inches. Examples can be given endlessly, and most importantly, with the "mini" prefix you can come up with many of your own new combinations.

"Mini" as a word

As an independent word "mini" is usedmost often with regard to women's clothing and is a shorter version of the word "mini-skirt". Sometimes a "mini" can also mean a dress or coat. The main thing is that the length of all these outfits is above the knee. Interestingly, as a separate word, "mini", as a rule, is used in the middle genus, and not in the female, even if it is a mini-skirt - for example, "She was dressed in a tight blouse and a bright bright mini." "Mini" can follow after the words "skirt" or "dress". For example, "This season is a fashion mini dress." In this case, the "mini" is not a noun of the middle kind, but an adjective.

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