Such a common word, like a script,implies a work that is created for staging a performance, a movie or television program or a television series. In this article, we'll look at what this script is and talk about its standards.

Scenario and scriptwriter

A script writer is an interesting profession. The task of the person working as a script writer is writing scripts. Often when preparing the film, several script writers come into the work, the role of the script writer can be performed by the director or the writer, in whose work the film or the series is shot. Each scenario has four main elements: narrative, voiceover, titles and dialogues. Dialogs are always given more attention.

Standards and scenario conditions

At the moment, clear standards in thethe film industry does not exist to write the script. Depending on the country and film studio, scenarios may have different standards and conditions. It is known that 80 pages of the script correspond to one film. Any script before it is sent for implementation, necessarily passes the wording. This is necessary in order to assess the number of actors, scenery options, shooting volumes, organization. All this, in the end, will affect the cost of the project.

A useful article on the topic, which will tell you how the script is written - How to write a script.

Look in our section Definitions.

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