Today many people think about studyingEnglish, because the knowledge of English in recent years has become mandatory for admission to work for most professions. However, the services of English tutors today are not cheap, and it's very difficult to find a good tutor.

Nevertheless, there is always a way out, the initial knowledgeyou can get it yourself, because the Internet provides a lot of opportunities in this area, and with a tutor you already have to bring the language to perfection. In this article, let's talk a little about the main verb of the English language - the verb to be.

To be - meaning and meaning

The verb "to be" is translated as "to be, to be" and is used in English very often, because it is used not only in its direct sense, but also plays the role of a verb-bundle.

Most of you know that Englishthe sentence must necessarily have a verb, that is, if in Russian we can say - "You are beautiful", in English the phrase "You beautiful" will be incorrect. Here, the verb-bundle "to be" comes into play, and we get the correct phrase - "You are beautiful". Wait, what are "are", many people now ask? After all, they talked about "to be"!

To be - forms of the verb

In English there are a lot of times, and verbsare modified depending on the time. For the most part, the infinitive form differs from the present-day form only by the particle "to", for example, "to go" - to walk, "go" - to walk, walk, walk, etc. So the sentence "I go to school" looks like this: "I go to school", and the sentence "I like to go to school" is like "I like to go to school".

Nevertheless, the verb "to be" also stood out, histhe forms of the present time differ from the infinitive more strikingly and, moreover, there are as many as three of them. The decision on which form to apply is taken in accordance with the person performing the action:

When using a pronoun:

  • I (Y) "to be" is converted to "am"
  • He, she, it (he, she, it) "to be" is converted to "is"
  • You, we, they (you, we, they) "to be" is converted to "are"

Now it becomes clear why in the sentence "You are beautiful" we used the "are" form.

Look for other new words in the Definitions section.

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