What is an invoice?
Many who travel to Europe have heard of the invoice. He was heard about by those who like to shop on eBay. What is an invoice?
An invoice is a document that the sellerprovides the buyer, and in which it is prescribed, what kind of goods the buyer purchased and at what cost. In addition to the name of the product and its price, the document prescribes the number of purchased products, its description (weight, color and other features), as well as information about the seller and the buyer. The invoice also prescribes when the buyer must pay for the goods and when the seller delivers it.
Invoice in Europe
When you buy a thing or equipment inthe European store you can issue a tax-free or invoice. Tax-free allows you to receive a tax refund immediately after crossing the border in the opposite direction. However, those who travel all the time to the same foreign stores, prefer to issue an invoice. The difference is that the return will not be made immediately, but at your next visit to this country. But the amount of repayment can be several times larger. The invoice is issued in the form of an account, where all the data we mentioned above are indicated. Learn how to transport the goods correctly, from our article How to Customs Clear the Goods.
Invoice in Russia
In Russia there is no analogue of an invoice. With a stretch, you can call an invoice similar to the invoice. The invoice shows all the same information as in the invoice, but it serves for other purposes. Learn how to enter information about the goods in Russian documents, from the article How to write goods.
Invoice on Ebay
On this server, an invoice is called exposedaccount, where again all the data about the goods, the seller and the buyer are registered. It serves as a certain guarantee for both the seller and the buyer that the goods will be delivered and paid for.