The great Russian poet Mikhail Lermontov was born inMoscow in the year 1814. His works became the beginning of a new era in literature. Many Russian writers were inspired by his work. Unfortunately, the life of this talented person was tragically cut off at the age of 26.

Who killed Lermontov

Mikhail Yuryevich was killed by his comrade -the officer Nikolai Martynov. It happened on July 15, 1841 in Pyatigorsk on Mount Mashuk. By the way, Lermontov was also exiled to the Caucasus because of a duel that took place in St. Petersburg with the son of the French ambassador. In the Caucasus, Mikhail in the Tenginsky Regiment took part in hostilities and showed enviable bravery.

Nikolai Martynov Lermontov knew from the time of servicein the School of Guards Supporters. Being in Moscow, Mikhail often visited the Martynov family. It should be noted that the young Lermontov had a peculiar sense of humor, for which his mother did not like him. Nicholas himself was condescending to the sarcastic jokes of a talented friend.

Deathly duel

In 1841 Martynov lived in Pyatigorsk. He settled away from secular life after forced resignation. According to eyewitnesses, Nicholas became a gloomy, withdrawn person, began to wear Caucasian clothes. But, despite this, he never arranged scandals and did not participate in dueling.

Returning to the Caucasus from vacation, Lermontovcame to Pyatigorsk to visit relatives, but because of a bout of fever stayed in the city. Before leaving, Mikhail Yurievich was invited to the house of General Versilin for the evening. Among the invited was Martynov. In the presence of the guests, Lermontov allowed himself to release a joke about a friend, which hurt his pride. The quarrel ended in a challenge to Mikhail Yuryevich for a duel.

Duelists converged on a rainy, windy evening 15July. Lermontov's secrets Stolypin and Trubetskoi were late, and the duel took place without them. While Lermontov shot into the air, the bullet of the rival went through his body and caused instant death. Is it possible to call a duel a murder - this is a contentious issue. But, in fact, it was Nikolai Martynov who killed Lermontov.

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