A person by nature inherent desireto the primacy. To become the first, that is, the best in something - this desire someday comes to the consciousness of every person, becomes his obsession. Someone, after dreaming, refuses to realize a dream, and someone puts on it almost his whole life to become a better leader.

How to become the first? To answer this question, you need to know, and where a person wants to be so, in which area of ​​life. Depending on the sphere of life, the ways to achieve the championship will be different. We will analyze the basic situations in which a person strives to become the first. We'll determine what he needs to do for this.

First in school

This is the most typical situation, because in ourcentury - information age - a person learns practically all his life to keep up with the times. And there is only one way: to study and study again. One must be diligent in study, conscientious in the performance of tasks. A person should strive to learn more than others, reading additional information, mastering difficult topics on his own. Activity in the classroom, lessons, lectures necessarily draw the attention of teachers. Persistence, work and perseverance will lead to the desired results.

The first in sport

Sports today is a great opportunitystand out from a huge mass of people involved in sports clubs and clubs. To be a prize-winner of the world championship, Universiade, and even more so Olympics - it is prestigious, honorable, brings huge material incomes.

It is therefore not surprising that many to achievegoals are sacrificed to everyone - free time, meetings with friends, recreation, even sometimes by family. Exhaustive daily training, a huge will to win - only this will help to become a leader, a winner. A victory is also a recognition of the country's merit rights. This in the end, and the desire not to let the people, the country, because with every victory of the athlete wins and his country.

First at work

Competition at work was and always will be. Among colleagues, the best are those that achieve significant results, in comparison with others. Here, initiative, aspiration to introduce innovations, constant improvement of professional level, innovation will help to become the first.

An important role is played by personal qualities,the ability to get along with colleagues, with superiors. A person must observe the subordination existing at work. Although, of course, you can not turn into a flattering, obsequious person without your opinion.

First in business

Entrepreneurship to date is one of thebasic types of human activity. It gives an opportunity to significantly improve their social status, to stand out as an ability to conduct business, to be competitive. But behind all this lies a huge amount of work. The entrepreneur should be well versed in the laws of the market, be able to study the situation in the economic sphere, properly select personnel, skillfully control the quality of products and indeed income, and the businessman himself was considered one of the first in the economic circles.

The first in personal relationships

Of course, in relations with people who are close,loved ones, colleagues - it is impossible to be the first. It's about becoming the best. Human qualities make us interesting, necessary, desirable people. Therefore, there is only one way - moral perfection, work on oneself, constant striving to become better, purer, more decent.

Of great importance is the desire of man to knowyourself, work on yourself, because the best critic in life is the person himself. The ability to look at oneself from the outside, the desire to please oneself are steps towards moral perfection.

As you can see, it is entirely possible for every person to become the first. There would be a desire, aspiration, strength of will, purposefulness - and then the result will not keep you waiting.

Of course, in life there are exceptional personalities,really the first in something: scientists, musicians, artists, writers and poets, artists. These are people who radically changed their view of a certain type of activity and knowledge of something. They contribute to the progressive development of our society. Their names have forever entered the history of mankind. Among them are our compatriots: M.V. Lomonosov, A.S. Pushkin, D.I. Mendeleev, K.E. Tsiolkovsky, I.P. Pavlov, Yu.A. Gagarin - and many other people that Russia is proud of.

Material on this topic can be found in the article on our website. How to be the first in the class.

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