Obsolete, old Russian words do not always respond in the minds of people to a direct analogy. Therefore, who is such a guer - not everyone knows.

Consider the interpretation of the word gaer in the dictionary.

Gaer is the definition of a buffoon, a clown, a humorous person, a clown. In today's time, this term is almost not used, it has long been out of widespread use.

However, in the old days the word "gaer"the person who knows how to joke quite well, to entertain the public, to curl and clown is indicated. Gaer could also be called the buffoonery entertainers for the fun of the people.

An example of the use of the word "gaer": "One of the first countries that recognized Charlie Chaplin as a talented artist, an icon of the 20th century, not a hawker, was France."

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