Adverbs can fulfill in the sentence differentfunction. Most often they act as circumstances, answering the questions "How?", "Where?", "Where?", Etc. In this case, adverbs are emphasized with a dash with a dot (_ ._ ._ ._). For example, in the sentence "The boy went down the stairs (where?) Down" the adverb "down" is a circumstance.

In rare cases, adverbs can also bedefinitions, answering the question "Which / which / what?", etc. For example, in the sentence "Nikolai had a narrow face, a high forehead and eyes bulging," the adverb "skilful" is precisely the definition, since it answers the question "what eyes ? ». In this case, this adverb is emphasized by a wavy line.

About how not to confuse adverbs with adjectives, which are also definitions, read in our article How to distinguish an adjective from an adverb.

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