How are adverbs emphasized?
Adverbs can fulfill in the sentence differentfunction. Most often they act as circumstances, answering the questions "How?", "Where?", "Where?", Etc. In this case, adverbs are emphasized with a dash with a dot (_ ._ ._ ._). For example, in the sentence "The boy went down the stairs (where?) Down" the adverb "down" is a circumstance.
In rare cases, adverbs can also bedefinitions, answering the question "Which / which / what?", etc. For example, in the sentence "Nikolai had a narrow face, a high forehead and eyes bulging," the adverb "skilful" is precisely the definition, since it answers the question "what eyes ? ». In this case, this adverb is emphasized by a wavy line.
About how not to confuse adverbs with adjectives, which are also definitions, read in our article How to distinguish an adjective from an adverb.