Get many types of gas can be variedways. The basis for physico-chemical reactions is the cleavage of compounds. Under certain conditions (heating, cooling, interaction with other substances), gas is released as a result of the reactions. So you can get organic gases: methane, propane, butane, and inorganic: carbon dioxide, hydrogen, etc. In our article What is gas in detail the definition of this substance is disclosed. And in this article we will talk about how to get gas.

How to make gas in the laboratory

Hydrogen (H2) can be obtained in the laboratory or at home, if you have simple equipment for this. To get this gas, you will need:

  • Water (it is better to take distilled water);
  • Caustic soda (sodium hydroxide - NaOH);
  • Iron and graphite electrodes;
  • Any alkaline element (metal) - lithium, sodium, etc .;
  • DC power supply;
  • Glass container (test tube).

Progress of the experiment

  1. Pour a little sodium hydroxide (20 g) into a clean container and pour it with water (100 ml.). Stir until the substance has completely dissolved.
  2. Take two electrodes - you can use a simple iron rod instead of a binding metal, and instead of graphite, you can take a pencil lead, which is used by tailors.
  3. Requires a direct current source - this canbe a battery or a current generator. Connect the electrodes to it so that the "plus" is attached to the graphite rod (anode), and "minus" - to the metal.
  4. Place the electrodes in an aqueous solution of caustic soda, connect the current source. To catch hydrogen it is possible, if above an anode to hold a test tube upside down. At the same time, oxygen will be released above the cathode.

To make hydrogen gas, you can take advantage ofand another method, this requires water and alkali metal. It is best to take lithium from ordinary batteries and place it in a test tube with water (sodium and potassium take is not recommended, since they are very explosive in contact with water). In the process of interaction of this metal with H2About will be allocated hydrogen, which can be caught in a test tube.

How to get biogas (methane)

At home, you can get the so-called"Biogas" is not just one kind of gas, but a gas mixture. This includes methane, carbon dioxide and some other impurities (hydrogen sulphide, etc.). But the main value is just methane (CH4), whose share in the gas mixture is from 55up to 70%. It is easiest to get gas from manure or manure, as these products contain the bacteria that cause fermentation. And as a result of this process biogas is released. In addition to manure, other organic wastes can also be used to produce a mixture of gases - rotted leaves, grass, food waste, etc.

The installation for biogas capture is easyto produce practically at any farmyard. To do this, it is enough to dig a compost well, into which organic wastes will be placed. From above, a "visor" or roof must be built, which will catch the gaseous substances. It is better if the roof is cone-shaped. The roof is installed on racks that are equipped with heat-insulating elements (they are necessary for the normal operation of the installation in winter). From above on the roof make one or several small hatches, through which the gas will be collected. The collection of substances can be carried out in ordinary car cameras, and if there is a compressor, the gas can also be compressed and pumped into cylinders.

Conditions of fermentation with the formation of biogas

To ferment organic waste they needfrom time to time to mix (for better access of oxygen to bacteria). Therefore, the installation must also be equipped with a mixing device. Methane bacteria that provoke the fermentation process better "work" in the heat, so manure or other organic waste can also be heated (if equipped with a pipe with constantly circulating warm water).

In the process of fermentation, naturally alsoheat is released, which is sufficient for further maintenance of the process. Therefore, raw materials can be heated only in the first few days or in the cold season.

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