Where does the rain come from? Through what processes does water from the surface of the oceans, seas and lakes appear in the sky and rain? Let's look at how the rain is formed.

The earthly atmosphere is arranged extremely harmoniously. The formation of rain occurs due to the process of water cycle in nature. In science, it is called the "hydrological cycle". What is its essence? The sun heats the surface of the Earth quite strongly, so that the process of evaporation of the word from anywhere, where it exists, begins-from puddles, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, etc.

Due to evaporation, water molecules risehigh in the air, forming clouds and clouds. The wind carries them in the sky for many kilometers to the side. The water molecules unite, gradually forming more and more heavy structures. In the end, a drop is formed, which is already quite heavy. Because of this, the drop flies down. When these drops are many, it rains. It can be light, a bit scarlet, and maybe a strong downpour.

A very important feature of the water cycle innature is that as a result of evaporation, the seas and oceans lose more water than they do during precipitation. On land, on the contrary, the amount of water received is much greater during precipitation than its loss during evaporation. This natural mechanism allows maintaining a strictly defined balance between the ratio of the amount of water in the seas and on land, which is important for the continuous process of water cycling and for an equal amount of precipitation around the globe.

This is how the water cycle in nature takes place, which is necessary for the development of life on Earth. And the rain is one of the stages of the water cycle.

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