Did you ever wonder what a forest is? After all, for everyone this concept is different. And it is unlikely that two different people will give the same description. For someone, the forest is ate, for some it's oaks. We propose to find out what definition is given to this word in dictionaries, and what kinds of forests there are.

Meaning of the word

The encyclopedia says: "The forest is a part of the land (the Globe) covered with trees (woody plants). Forests occupy about 13 parts of the land. "

In the dictionary of Ozhegov we read: "The forest is a large number of trees that grow on large areas with close crowns."

According to Dal: "The forests are spaces covered with large, growing trees".

Forest, this is a complex, living mechanism thatcombines a lot of details of different in size, types and principles of action (trees, bushes, grasses, birds, insects, animals). The forest is a vegetable community where everything is interconnected. There are different types of forests. Such a definition can be found in textbooks of geography and natural history.

Types of forest

Classify forests can be by many features, but we will touch on the main:

  • By season. Forests are evergreen (coniferous, tropical, hard-leaved) and deciduous (dry-tropic, temperate and monsoon).
  • By geographical location. Separate: tropical (dry tropical, wet tropical, monsoon), subtropical (hard-leaved, gemigil, eucalyptus groves and monsoon mixed), temperate zone (coniferous, small and broad-leaved, mixed).
  • By groups of species: conifers (pine, cedar, fir, juniper tree), hardwood (oak, hornbeam, saxaul), soft-leaved (birch, alder, willow).
  • The closeness of the crowns: closed forest and light (rare).
  • By the degree of human intervention: the root or virgin forest (not exposed to human influence), secondary and derived forests appear on the site of fires and abandoned fields.

Now you know what a forest is and what it is. Do not forget that it is he who is the "lungs" of our planet.

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