This article describes what isball. From here you will learn the definition of the word "ball", the formulas for computing the area of ​​its surface and volume. Get all the necessary minimum information about the ball from the school course of geometry.

Everyone in geometry classes must learn a figure like a ball. About what the balloon, our article will tell.

A ball is a geometric body that is bounded by a surface, any points of which are located at the same distance from the center. This distance is called the radius of the ball.

A ball can be imagined as a semicircle rotating around its fixed diameter, which is called the axis of the ball. Both ends of the diameter are poles. The surface of a sphere is a sphere.

When the plane (secant) intersects the center of the ball, then such a section is called a large circle, all the other sections are small circles.

The surface area of ​​the ball can be found by the formula:

  • S = 4πr2, where r is the radius of the ball, and π = 3.14.

The volume of the ball is found by the formula:

  • V = (4πr3) / 3, where r is the radius of the ball, and π = 3.14.
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