Using the rule of the borer, the directions of the magnetic lines (in other words they are also called lines of magnetic induction) around the conductor with current are determined.

Rule gimlet: determination

The rule itself sounds like this: when the direction of the drill, moving translationally, coincides with the direction of the current in the conductor under study, the direction of rotation of the handle of this borer is the same as the direction of the magnetic field of the current.

It is also called the rule of the right hand, and in thiscontext definition is much clearer. If you clasp the wire with your right hand so that the four fingers are clenched into a fist and the big one points upwards (that is, as we usually show with the hand "class!"), Then the thumb will indicate which direction the current is moving, and the other four fingers - direction of magnetic field lines

Below the screw is a screw with a right-hand thread. They are in the technique of the standard, because they represent the perfect majority. By the way, the same rule could be formulated with the example of a clockwise movement, because a screw with a right-hand thread twists exactly in this direction.

Applying a Drill Rule

In physics, the rule of the borer is used not onlyto determine the direction of the magnetic field of the current. So, for example, it also applies to the calculation of the direction of the axial vectors, the angular velocity vector, the magnetic induction vector B, the induction current direction with the known magnetic induction vector and many other variants. But for each such case the rule has its own formulation.

For example, to calculate a vectorit says: if we represent vectors so that they coincide in the beginning, and move the first vector-factor to the second vector-factor, then the drill, moving in the same way, is screwed in the direction of the vector-product.

Or this will sound like the rule of a borer to mechanically rotate the speed: if you rotate the screw in the same direction as the body rotates, it will screw in the direction of the angular velocity direction.

This is the rule of the drill bit for the moment of forces: when the screw rotates in the same direction as the force is rotated in the body, the bore is screwed in the direction of the direction of these forces.

To visualize the rules of the drill, you can see several schemes on the Internet:

  1. Scheme 1
  2. Scheme 2
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