Before you select an institution, inwhich continue your education, think about what you want to become in life - an IT specialist or a manager, a medical officer or a master at a manufacturing enterprise. On your choice depends on where you go to study, and which institution you choose - a university or college, or maybe a technical school.

Higher educational institutions

Many entrants, choosing where to go to study inEkaterinburg, imagine themselves only in a higher educational institution, believing that, having graduated from it, they will get much more opportunities in professional work. But this is far from the case, because no one guarantees you that after graduation, you will immediately become the leading manager of the company or enterprise. As practice shows, further promotion on the career ladder depends only on your skills and abilities, and sometimes, after graduating from a technical school with a degree in management, a company employee will achieve greater results than a university graduate. Therefore, when choosing a higher educational institution, be guided by your preferences. Here are some educational institutions of Ekaterinburg, where you can get higher education:

  • University of the Russian Academy of Education (a branch in Yekaterinburg).
  • The Urals State Agricultural Academy (Ural State Agricultural Academy) trains future specialists in the field of agrarian activities.
  • UrFU (Center for Business Education).
  • Ural State University of Physical Culture.
  • The Ural Institute of Economics of the St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics - is recruiting students for several faculties, including managers and economists.

This, of course, not all higher educational institutions of Ekaterinburg, which recruit students for full-time and correspondence courses.

Technical school

Get education in secondary schoolsit is possible, both after the termination of 9 classes, and after the termination of 11 classes. It all depends on the institution you choose and, of course, on the level of your knowledge. The choice of medium-sized special institutions in Yekaterinburg is large enough, therefore, you should not have problems with this. And some of them work, both full-time and part-time, so if you have the opportunity to work in a company after the end of the secondary school, then it is advisable to study in the technical school at the correspondence department. Here are a few places that might be of interest to you, as a prospective entrant:

  • Ural railway technical school - produces specialists for work on the railway, including machinists and guides.
  • Pharmaceutical branch of GBOU SPO "SOMK" - recruiting students for mastering the specialty "pharmacist".
  • Sverdlovsk Cooperative Technical School of the Regional Consumer Union.
  • Ural Industrial and Economic College.

After the end of each of these institutions, the graduate receives a full diploma, giving him the right to work in the specialty.


When deciding where to go in Yekaterinburg, it is necessary to pay attention to numerous colleges:

  • Ural Polytechnic College
  • Ural College of Technology and Entrepreneurship.
  • College of Entrepreneurship and Social Management.
  • Medical College.
  • College of Real Estate and Management.
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