In order to find out exactly what you need for admission to the designer, we suggest first to find out the very essence of this profession, as well as creative activity.

Under the design is meant a special creativeactivity. Its purpose is to determine the qualities of different industrial products. These qualities may include external features of the product, functional or structural relationships. They can turn the product into one single unit from the point of view of the consumer and the manufacturer. Today, design strives to cover virtually all aspects of the human environment that can be attributed to industrial production.

After we found out what design is,you need to go to the definition of "designer". This person is engaged in artistic and technical activities, which can be in the framework of any design industry. It is thanks to this definition, we can already intuitively determine for ourselves what items to hand over to the designer.

What you need to know for admission

  1. The Russian language, which is considered compulsory, regardless of specialization.
  2. In addition to the compulsory subject in many universities before the examinations can still be a competition of works on drawings, painting or composition. Often this competition is considered the first stage of the tests.
  3. Examination commission can arrange an additional creative exam, which you will take directly before the admission committee.
  4. If you successfully passed such contests, then most likely, you will also have to wait for an interview, where you will show your personal qualities.

This list is considered the most common, but we advise you to find out what to hand over to the designer, directly in the universities themselves, where you intend to go.

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