The indispensable decoration of the May forest is gentleflowers of the lily of the valley. This flower is loved by many not only for buds resembling small pearls, but also for their magnificent, intoxicating aroma, which you can enjoy only at the time when lilies of the valley are in blossom. In Western Europe, there is a belief that if there are little human beings living in the buds of the lily-of-the-valley-elves, and in France there is even a "Lily-of-the-valley" festival that takes place in early May.

When do lily of the valley bloom? Usually these flowers blossom in May or June. However, recently, due to climatic changes in the middle belt, at the end of April you can meet these magnificent flowering plants. On one branch there are from 5 to 20 white, small bells. Therefore, the flowering lasts ten to twenty days. After that, in place of flowers, red berries are formed - seeds.

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