In terms of mathematics, the proportion isequality of two relations. Interdependence is characteristic for all parts of the proportion, as well as their unchanged result. To understand how to make a proportion, you can get acquainted with the properties and the formula of proportion. To understand the principle of solving proportions, one example will suffice. Only by directly solving the proportions, you can easily and quickly learn these skills. And this article will help the reader in this.

Proportion properties and formula

  1. Reversal of proportion. In the case where the given equation looks like 1a: 2b = 3c: 4d, write 2b: 1a = 4d: 3c. (And 1a, 2b, 3c and 4d are prime numbers other than 0).
  2. Multiplication of given terms of the proportioncross-wise. In the alphabetic expression, this has the form: 1a: 2b = 3c: 4d, and the entry 1a4d = 2b3c will be equivalent to it. Thus, the product of the extreme parts of any proportion (the number at the ends of the equality) is always equal to the product of the middle parts (the numbers located in the middle of the equality).
  3. When composing a proportion, its property, such as rearrangement of extreme and middle members, can be useful. The equality formula 1a: 2b = 3c: 4d can be represented by such variants:
    • 1a: 3c = 2b: 4d (when the average terms of the proportion are rearranged).
    • 4d: 2b = 3c: 1a (when the extreme terms of the proportion are rearranged).
  4. Perfectly helps in solving the proportion of its property of increasing and decreasing. For 1a: 2b = 3c: 4d, write:
    • (1a + 2b): 2b = (3c + 4d): 4d (equality by increasing the proportion).
    • (1a - 2b): 2b = (3c - 4d): 4d (equality by decreasing the proportion).
  5. You can create a proportion by adding and subtracting. When the proportion is written as 1a: 2b = 3c: 4d, then:
    • (1a + 3c): (2b + 4d) = 1a: 2b = 3c: 4d (the proportion is composed by addition).
    • (1a - 3c): (2b - 4d) = 1a: 2b = 3c: 4d (the proportion is composed by subtraction).
  6. Also, when solving the proportion containing fractionalor large numbers, you can divide or multiply both of its members by the same number. For example, the components of the proportion 70: 40 = 320: 60, can be written as follows: 10 * (7: 4 = 32: 6).
  7. The solution of the proportions with percentages looks likeSo. For example, write, 30 = 100%, 12 = x. Now we should multiply the average terms (12 * 100) and divide by the known extreme (30). Thus, the answer is: x = 40%. In a similar way, if necessary, multiply the known extreme terms and divide them by a given average, obtaining the desired result.

If you are interested in a specific formula of proportion,then in the simplest and most widespread variant the proportion is such an equation (formula): a / b = c / d, in it a, b, c and d are nonzero four numbers.

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