Among the numerous styles in art are somestand apart. This, for example, is classicism and, of course, baroque. To fully understand what Baroque is, one must first of all study the history and realities of that era, when this style was widely spread practically throughout Europe. Let's talk about the distinctive features of baroque in such areas of art as architecture and music.

What is the Baroque style?

Baroque is a whole epoch. This style originated in medieval Italy around the end of the XVI century, and flourished in the XVII-XVIII centuries, spreading in Europe, replacing the severe Gothic style. If you are looking for a suitable translation of this word from the Italian language, then you can stay on the "inclined to excess" option. And "barocco" means "dissolved" and even "vicious". This word was chosen by the Italians for this artistic style. However, the Portuguese word "barroco" (and in Portugal this style was also very common) only means "a pearl of irregular shape". In general, this style can be described as lush, with a lot of excesses, majestic, luxurious and, at the same time, quite contrasting - in short, the exact opposite of the later classicism. The merry epoch of baroque came to replace the severe Middle Ages. That's why instead of knightly tournaments, various entertainments became widespread - carousels, walks, fireworks, masquerades, etc. The pretentiousness and unnaturalness at this time are the norm. All that will be so dear to people of the Romantic era: natural behavior, modesty and other similar qualities - for Baroque culture is alien. Hence the craving for lush wigs and hairstyles, unnatural clothes, and so on.

Baroque architecture

Despite such strange for later erasfeatures, in the Baroque style of architecture, nevertheless, gave rise to many truly outstanding works. The names of the great architects - such as Rastrelli and Bernini, Fontana and Borromini, Glaubice and Rainaldi, will tell a lot about not even a very prepared reader. As for the most significant architectural monuments of the Baroque period, let us first highlight the famous chapel of Coronaro, which is located in the Church of Santa Maria della Vittoria in Rome. Also note that Baroque has spawned many branches, among which we will highlight such styles as Spanish Baroque, Sicilian Baroque, French Baroque (and a little later Rococo) and Moscow Baroque, which we will talk about in more detail.

What is the Moscow baroque?

This is the name of that architectural style, inwhich in the late XVII - early XVIII centuries. in Russia were built many buildings. The standard model for the design of door and window openings, similar columns and other architectural elements make the buildings made in this style very recognizable. It should also be noted that the Moscow baroque later developed into several independent architectural styles, which received their name after the names of nobles and boyars, in whose lands similar buildings were built. Of the main styles that derive their origin from the Moscow baroque, we will distinguish the Naryshkinsky, Golitsinsky, Stroganov styles and style of the Prozorovsky ones. And here is a small list of the most significant architectural monuments (from the surviving ones) built in the Moscow Baroque style: the Refectory Chamber of the Simonov Monastery, the Resurrection Temple in Kadashi, the Assumption Cathedral in Ryazan, the Assumption Cathedral in Astrakhan, the Peter and Paul Cathedral in Kazan, the Tobolsk Kremlin. The last monument is attributed to many art critics to a rather distinctive style - the so-called Siberian baroque.

What is baroque in music

Renaissance music, replaced by music,the Baroque period is much more expressive. At the same time, like all creations of this era, it is somewhat pretentious - sometimes even too much, and also very emotionally. Although, it should be noted that the Baroque work most often expresses one particular emotion: joy or sadness, merriment or sadness, etc.). As for the differences in the composition itself, then (the musicians will understand) to replace the tonic shift in terms of the music typical of the Renaissance, the tonal shift began to occur in quarters and quintas. Among the outstanding composers of the Baroque period I will mention K. Monteverdi, D. Buxtehude, A. Scarlatti, T. Albinoni, A. Vivaldi, I. S. Bach, G. F. Gendel, J. Pergolesi and, of course, G. F.Telemann.

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