Russian is a living language, and therefore all the timedevelops. Some words come out of active use, and there are more and more new words to which our grandparents are so used to. Proceeding from this, it is possible to answer logically the question of what neologisms are.

Neologisms are new words or expressions that appear in the language along with the emergence of new objects, phenomena, concepts, processes in social life.

When you know what neologisms are, it's not difficult to find examples:
genome, clone, management, manager, logistics, virtual, interactive, image maker, bowling, etc.

How neologisms appear

At the time of its appearance, each word isneologism, because it means a new concept that has just appeared. Over time, it becomes common and enters the active vocabulary of the language. In other words, the status of the neologisms of the word is retained until they become common in the lexical stock of as many native speakers as possible.

Now it is hard to believe in it, but such words as underground, cosmodrome, television, lunar rover, genotype, refrigerator, perestroika, privatization were also neologisms in Russian in their time.

Next to lexical neologisms (new words)there are also many semantic neologisms (words that already exist in the language, but acquire new meanings). For example, such modern neologisms: the teapot is not a device for heating water, but a person who does not understand anything at all; pirate is not only a sea robber, but also a person who uses works of science, culture and technology protected by copyright, without the permission of the authors, which is a violation of the law.

Another reason for the appearance of neologisms is the desire to give a more vivid name to an existing object or phenomenon. This is the name that corresponds to the worldview of the author.

Types of neologisms

Thus, modern neologisms in Russian are divided into general language and individual (author's), which can be found in the writings of writers or scientists.

For example, in. Mayakovsky used such words as lyubiochek, make up, turn blue. Such words rarely enter into active use, but there are exceptions. Not everyone knows that such familiar words as industry, love, absent-mindedness, touching are the author's neologisms of N. Karamzin.

How to know, maybe, it is thanks to you that our language will be filled with neologisms more?

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