This article is devoted to how to get benzene. However, before we start to consider this issue, we will understand what kind of substance it is and for what purposes it is used.


Benzene is a bright representative of aromatichydrocarbons. This substance is a colorless liquid that has a specific odor and does not dissolve in water. The scope of use of benzene is quite wide. It is used for the production of explosives, plastics, drugs, synthetic fibers, as well as various means for fighting harmful insects. Benzene also has excellent preservative properties. For example, lingonberry, which contains benzoic acid, is excellently stored for a long time without sugar.

Preparation of benzene

I would like to note right away that to get benzene inhome conditions is quite difficult, to say the least. To obtain this substance, it is necessary to have in the arsenal special laboratory equipment. Now let's talk directly about the ways of obtaining the substance.

  1. One of the most important sources,used for the production of aromatic hydrocarbons, are considered gas and coal tar. These substances are formed, as a rule, when distilling oil or when coking coal. Back in 1922, Russian scientists Kazan and Zelinsky found a way to get benzene from acetylene. They passed acetylene, heated to 450 degrees, over ordinary activated carbon. Zelinsky also described how to get benzene from cyclohexane - a substance formed during the processing of certain types of oil. However, after some time, scientists have proved that the production of benzene is possible with the use of other catalysts under milder conditions.
  2. Benzene can also be obtained from hexane. To answer the question of how to get benzene from hexane, it is necessary to produce the so-called aromatization of hexane. In the course of this chemical reaction, hexane molecules are converted from linear to closed ones with a passing separation of hydrogen atoms. However, in order to produce this reaction, it is necessary to create high-temperature conditions (of the order of 600 degrees) and pressure. Also, aluminum or chromium catalysts with a thin layer of platinum applied on them are used for this transformation.
  3. However, the aromatization of hexane is not the onlyway to get benzene. How to get benzene from methane? Let's work it out together. Of methane in its pure form, benzene can not be obtained, however, from the current situation there is a way out. Methane can be heated up to 1500 degrees, and then sharply cooled to a temperature of 20 degrees. Thus, from methane we get acetylene. And then from acetylene, you can get benzene in the above way.

So, we figured out how to get benzene. Based on the above materials, we can conclude that the receipt of this product is a fairly time-consuming process that is not feasible without the creation of laboratory conditions.

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