First you need to understand what exactly you arewant to write. I mean whether it will be a methodical manual on the subject or a textbook, or maybe educational-methodical. It seems to be almost the same words, but behind them are different concepts. To understand is not difficult. Today we will provide you with a simple guide: how to write a manual. And first we learn more about its types.

A methodical tool is a document witha detailed exposition of the optimal sequence in the study of a specific educational or scientific material. The methodical manual is based on reliable scientific works on the subject, as well as in practice and the experience gained. The methodical manual can be called a statement of the author's opinion on effective ways to implement the tasks assigned.

Teaching aids contain in theirstructure material that differs from traditional textbooks and scholarly works. The main task of such a manual is to provide information about the algorithm for completing assignments for this discipline, an idea of ​​the tasks that this discipline is studying.

The manual is a partial andcomplete addition to the textbook. It can be devoted not to the whole discipline, but only to certain topics. Difference from the textbook is the availability of not only officially approved approved knowledge and regulations, but also various controversial opinions. This publication is usually recommended to help students to better assimilate the topic.

How to write a manual?

How to write a teaching tool?

  1. Study the materials on the topic of the manual.
  2. Choose good quality sources.
  3. Associate the theory with your own practice.
  4. Make a plan, think through the theses and short remarks.
  5. Think about the control questions on the topic you raised.
  6. The text should be supplemented by illustrations, diagrams and photos.
  7. Give examples of how to use the technique correctly.
  8. Present the material in a simple and understandable language.
  9. List the literature used at the end. Recommend to read more literature.
  1. Carefully study the working curriculum, which is being taught.
  2. Make sure that the structure of your future benefit matches the program and reveals the topics it contains.
  3. The collected theoretical material should be well structured, logical and understandable for students.
  4. Since the manual will not be read by professors, but students try not to write complex, long phrases and large paragraphs. If you use terms, be sure to make footnotes, or transcript.
  5. Include in the manual various schemes, graphs, figures, tables.
  6. For each topic, think through practical tasks, questions for self-control, topics for abstracts.
  7. List the literature compose a complete, supplement it with textbooks and original works of scientists.
  1. Study the program and topics. Your allowance must strictly comply with them.
  2. After selecting a topic, review what goals are in the training course for a particular specialist.
  3. Clearly structure the workbook.
  4. Write for ordinary people to help, not to be confused.
  5. All foreign concepts and terms are explained.
  6. In addition to the questions for self-examination, the abstracts, each chapter ends with conclusions.
  7. Each textbook is designed in accordance with the requirements, pay attention to footnotes, diagrams, etc.
  8. Carefully draw up a list of literature in which you specify the complete data on authors, name, date of publication and publishing.
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