The stanzas existed in ancient Greece. Then talented poets sang love, relationships, battles using rhymed lines. So the stanza was born, and later it was classified. The concept of "stanza" - comes from the Greek language and means "turn", "turn" or "spinning".

The translation of the word already contains the meaning of itvalue. What is a stanza in our time? The fact is that the stanza is a combination of lines in a poem. In syntactic science, a stanza is a complete unit or sentences (group of units). Lines should be combined not only in structure, but also in meaning.

The strophe plays an important role in the construction of rhythmicspoem. Separation of parts of the text by stanzas means semantic stops in the poem, forms the rhythm of the poems. String and syntax separation of the text usually coincide. The stanza must be syntactically complete, only then the text has a special expressiveness.

What is a stanza in the literature?

In the rhymed poem the most popularThe way of combining sentences into a stanza is to unite by means of consonances. It groups poems into stanza compounds. The simplest types of stanzas are simultaneously rhyme schemes. Double rhyming (AA BB CC ... so on.) Is a couplet. The couplet with the right alternation of male and female rhymes can turn the text into quatrains. Iksobraznaya (ABAB CDCD, etc.) and another form - girdle (ABBA CDDC, etc.) are two main kinds of quatrains.

If we add different combinationsthe simplest kinds of stanzas, we get a variety of complex stanzas. Merging in a variety of combinations of simple forms of the stanza gives a variety of complex stanzas.

What is a stanza in a poem? The poem is built with the help of stanzas. By this one should understand the position of rhymes in the sentences of the rhymed work.

Monotony (monotony)

A non-rhymed poetic work that consists of one line. Often odnostishie is in a humorous or satirical style.

"Sleep forever, dear friend, until joy in the eyes of spring ..."

Couplet (distich)

The couplet is the simplest form of a verse combination.

"That evening, near our fire

We saw the black horse "

(I. Brodsky)

The three-line (tercet)

The next more complex form is the three-line. The usual three-line contains three lines with the same rhyme: aaa bbb ccc.

There is the concept of a three-line form of another formthe name "tercin". What does it mean? Tertzin is a poetic work of the triste, in which rhyme pattern aba bcb cdc is present. Dante wrote his famous work "Divine Comedy" by this form of stanzas.

Quatrain (quatrain)

The most common form of stanzas is a quatrain or quatrain. Katren has two standard forms: abab (cross rhyme) and abba (covered or belted rhyme).

What is a stanza: an example of a pentacle

The writing of poems by pentacies is consideredform of the stanza, which gives much more opportunities to express emotions than the previous forms of stanzas. It is worth noting that the pentameter has well-established forms. It's a limerick. Limerick is an ironic five-figure with rhyme scheme aabba. The homeland of limericks is England. The famous author of Limerick is a talented person Edward Lear.

"I will say that in a distant country

A lot of big changes!

And one huge question.

Why President Eskimo.

The country is populated with an inuit? ".


In works they are seen less often than quatrains, but much more often than pentacles or tertsets. The established forms of six-style is not created, so the space for imagination here is unlimited.

Seventh (Septima)

It is rare. It is created by adding the seventh line to the six-text, two-rhythm, three-rhythm or even four-rhythm. The possibilities in this stanza are simply colossal: abbabba, abccbac, aabccba and further on this scheme. There are a lot of combinations. Seventies are rarely used because of the historical moment: before it was simply not accepted to write like this, that's all. Although it is easy and sometimes even very cute.

"The wind whispered to me suddenly,

That life is flying, somewhere in the distance,

I stand, I stand ... I stand stealthily,

I shake the hasty shawl over the clouds,

Here the clouds moan,

The lightning shoots are deaf,

I stand, look, and cry in the rain. "

What is the Onegin stanza?

Onegin stanza is a stanza, which was created in the poems of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", - fourteen lines of a four-legged iambic.

The basis of this stanza is a sonnet -fourteen-line poem with a conditioned rhyme scheme. This sonnet Pushkin got a fucking merge of the stanza structure of the "English" sonnet (three quatrains and couplets) and the foundations of the rhyme scheme of the "Italian" sonnet.

It is not very easy to sort out stanzas, but if you are a novice poet, then our fact-finding article will certainly help you.

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