Very often in the school program of mathematics, childrenface the problem of how to convert a normal fraction to decimal. In order to translate the usual fraction into decimal, let us recall for the beginning what is the usual fraction and decimal fraction. A normal fraction is a fraction of the form m / n, where m is a numerator, and n is a denominator. Example: 8/13; 6/7, etc. Fractions are divided into correct, incorrect and mixed numbers. A proper fraction is when the numerator is less than the denominator: m / n, where m 3. An irregular fraction can always be represented as a mixed number, namely: 4/3 = 1 and 1/3;

Converting a normal fraction to decimal

Now consider how to translate a mixed fractionin the decimal. Any ordinary fraction, be it correct or not correct, can be converted to decimal. For this, the numerator must be divided into a denominator. Example: a simple fraction (regular) 1/2. We divide the numerator 1 by the denominator 2, we obtain 0.5. Take example 45/12, you can immediately see that this fraction is incorrect. Here the denominator is smaller than the numerator. Transforming the wrong fraction into decimal: 45: 12 = 3.75.

Translation of mixed numbers to decimal

Example: 25/8. First, we convert a mixed number into an irregular fraction: 25/8 = 3x8 + 1/8 = 3 and 1/8; then we divide the numerator equal to 1 by the denominator equal to 8, by a column or on a calculator, and we obtain a decimal fraction equal to 0.125. The article gives the easiest examples of conversion into decimal fractions. Having understood the method of translation on simple examples, you can easily solve the most difficult of them.

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