A photograph is simply a fixation of moments orthe whole art? The official definition of this concept is the following: an image obtained by means of a camera and stored on a light-resistant material. The resulting images are captured due to the physical and chemical processes obtained with the help of light.

What is photography? If we consider this concept more widely, it becomes clear that photography is a kind of art in which the creative process consists in the ability to find an interesting composition and the moment for a picture.

How it all began

The first light-resistant copy on the glass was madeThe Frenchman Joseph Nisefor Niepce in 1822. True, by our time it, unfortunately, has not survived. Therefore, the very first ever durable photograph is considered to be a snapshot of the same view of Niepce, but got already four years later. The photo was made by a so-called camera obscura on a tin plate, which is covered with a thin layer of asphalt. Imagine that the exposure lasted eight hours in a row in bright sunlight!

Camera obscura in those days - a box withopaque walls. In one wall of the box was a special hole, and on the opposite side - a screen. With the help of this camera, photographers were able to capture the optical image of objects. In the following years, photosensitive photographic materials and the camera obscura were improved. But as you know, all the first photographs were landscapes, because a living person would hardly want to be so still for a long time before the lens.

Black and white, color, digital

We tried to figure out what photography is, now we will try to find out what are the main types of photographs for today:

  • The black and white photo was historically itselffirst. However, after the appearance of color images, still retained its popularity. Sometimes color photos are converted to black and white to create a certain artistic effect.
  • Color photography arose in the middle of the nineteenth century. The first color photograph was taken using the method of three-color photography by the British physicist and mathematician James Maxwell.
  • Digital photography appeared in 1981, in thistime, Sony launched a Sony Mavica camera with a CCD Matrix on the market, which allowed recording pictures on a disc. Recorded only an analog signal, but he nevertheless already allowed to abandon the film. And the first full-scale digital camera - DCS 100 appeared in 1990. Released his company Kodak.

Talking about the types and genres of photography can be endless. We hope that this article gave you the first idea of ​​what photography is.

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