Very often, without knowing it, we havedealing with geometry. We are involved in geometry when we work with shape and size, objects, their placement in space. And what is geometry? The science of the shapes and sizes of objects, as well as the mutual arrangement of figures, is called geometry. The application of this science in life is very common: construction, landscape design, architecture and interior. And this is not a complete list of industries where the principles of geometry are applied.

How it all began

For a long time people worked on the ground. But in order to measure their areas, they had to conduct mathematical solutions, these were the first geometric calculations. When constructing the Egyptian pyramids, there were also various calculations, which eventually became the basis of geometry. In Egypt, in the city of Alexandria, in the year 280 BC lived a scientist Euclid, he wrote a book on geometry. All those who had a desire to study geometry, for more than two thousand years used this textbook. To date, Euclidean geometry is recognized as not modern and many of its theses scientists rejected.

Time passed, and scientists began to derivegeometric formulas, theorems, axioms, a concept was formed that studies geometry. Today we can say with affirmation that this is the science of space and relations that arise in it. All geometry is divided into several types. As an example - classical geometry. She "deals" with points, planes. It includes sections of planimetry, stereometry and others. Cognition in the coordinate system gives us analytical geometry. Differential equations are the theory and practice of differential geometry. And the topology that studies continuity sums up all the sections.

What do we need, geometry?

The development of civilization entailed the development ofscience. Geometry was practiced by many scientists, and as a result of their scientific work, geometry found its place in practice. You can tell a lot about what geometry is for. First of all, it is connected with such sciences as engineering, physics, astronomy, which makes it possible to conduct new discoveries and develop promising projects. All engineering calculations are related to geometry, even seemingly as small as, for example, installing streetlights. After all, for this purpose it is necessary to calculate with a high accuracy the angle of incidence of the light beam on the ground so that it can illuminate the territory as much as possible. Also, geometry is needed in the calculation before construction begins. Architects must accurately calculate all the moments of construction. The laws of geometry obey the trajectories and dimensions of transport, so drivers should consider this for safe driving. It is possible to give many more examples from life, where geometry plays an important role.

descriptive geometry

Often we hear about another kind of geometry -descriptive. And what is a descriptive geometry? This is one of its many sections, which studies figures that are projected onto a plane. What are the tasks facing the descriptive geometry? First of all, this is the image of figures on the plane and the solution of metric problems.

As you know, engineering creativity requiresthe development of spatial imagination. Descriptive geometry, like science, helps a person develop this spatial imagination. To solve problems on descriptive geometry, first of all, you need a drawing, on which the figures are projected, all the points are indicated. Construction, architecture, art - these are the areas of human activity, where they use descriptive geometry. And still, thanks to this science, today it is possible to show on the plane the relief of the earth, to design roads, tunnels and canals. Other branches of mathematics are also closely related to descriptive geometry. Summing up, it can be said without exaggeration that geometry is the subject that can be called the foundation of many sciences.

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