Each of us daily uses in his lifesuch a thing as time. What is time? At first this question may seem very easy, since we are all used to associating time directly with our daily activities, but with a more detailed examination, describing time as an abstract concept is not so simple.

So, what does time mean in our life? There are many definitions of time, but the main aspects of this concept are the following characteristics:

  • time is determined by the coordinates of the time axis;
  • time is the interval between events;
  • Time is used as a parameter when comparing two or more different frequency processes.

Time has the following properties:

  • Directivity (from the past to the future through the present);
  • Time has a definite frame of reference (either uniform or uneven);

We can say with certainty that there is no such thing, fromwhich depends on time, because all states of the world depend on him. But in some cases, the dependence of some quantity on the time itself may turn out to be very weak, as a result of which it can be considered independent of time. Proceeding from this, all phenomena can be delineated into 3 groups:

  • stationary (do not change with time);
  • Nonstationary (change with time);
  • quasistationary (the scale of the evolution of these phenomena is much greater than the period of time that is considered in the problem posed).

Scientific concepts of time

In science, there is no single theory that woulddescribed the time uniformly. There are many assumptions, each of which can claim a separate existence. Consider what time means in the following scientific studies:

  • In physics, time is a reversible measure of motionmatter, one of the coordinates of the vectors of space and time. The basis for measuring time is a certain periodic sequence of events (the work of the clock is based on this). Time determines the flow of all processes, but all the latter do not affect the flow of time.
  • In psychology, time is a subjective sensation that depends on the state of the observer. This science distinguishes between cyclic and linear time.
  • In philosophy, time is an irreversible current,flowing in one direction (from the past to the future through the present), within which are all the existing facts. Here are some definitions of time were given in different epochs: time is cyclical and represents a repetition of the passed (mythology); time is a subjective way of perceiving monads (Leibniz); time exists as an a priori form of sensual contemplation (Kant); time is a category of absolute spirit (Hegel); time is one way of manifesting duration (Bergson); time is a real form of moving matter (dialectical materialism).
  • In history, time is the basic magnitude,characterizing these or other events in a certain period of the existence of society. Depending on this, in historical science, the epoch, the era, the period and the age are distinguished.
  • On the Internet, time is a bit equal to the concept of an alternative time reference system proposed by the Swiss company SWATCH (1/1000 days).

Counting Time on Earth

What does time mean in astronomy? Here this concept is associated with the daily rotation of the Earth, therefore there are several time types:

  • true local solar time (this time is shown by a sundial);
  • average local solar time (differs from the true one with a difference of ± 15 minutes);
  • Greenwich time (equally accepted for the whole globe);
  • standard time (24 time zones, taken for convenience);
  • maternity (time system of the type of "belt"time plus one hour "- this is what the decree time was, which was adopted in 1930 in the USSR by decree of the government and canceled only on March 27, 2011);
  • summer time (translation of the arrows an hour ahead and an hour ago);
  • stellar time (culmination of the point of the vernal equinox).

Time units

What is time equal to? In the conventional sense, there is an entire scale of time definitions:

  • millenium (1000 years);
  • century (100 years);
  • year (365/366 days);
  • month (31/30 days);
  • a week (7 days);
  • day (24 hours);
  • hour (60 minutes);
  • minute (60 seconds);
  • second.

Depending on this, it is customary to measurecalendar (year / day), hours (hour / minute / second), timer and stopwatch (measurement of time slots). In order to find out the exact time, it is enough to make a phone call to the precise time service, turn on the radio, TV or computer. Now you know exactly what time is needed for in our life.

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