The article frightens many who begin to studyEnglish. The carriers of Slavic languages ​​do not quite understand the purpose of this element, since in our speech such determinants are not used. In this material, we consider all the main cases when the the.

So, first of all, remember thatThe definitive article the is used with nouns, and, as with the calculable, and not countable. The number also does not play a role in this situation. That is, The is placed before nouns in both the plural and the singular.

Let us consider the main cases. The article is used:

  • With a familiar face or object, which is not the first time. For example, I see a dog - The dog is fat.
  • With nouns that are unique in their kind. For example The moon is so beautiful. There is no other Moon, this word is unique.
  • With the names of parts of the world: the West, the North and so on.
  • With adjectives in an excellent degree. For example, the smartest girl.
  • C ordinals: the second dog is too fat.
  • In word combinations, which use the preposition of. For example, the tail of the dog is very long.
  • C nouns with subordinate clause. For example, this is the rat that slept in the hat.

Now you know when the article is put. It remains only to remember this simple information.

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