What is Webasto?
"Вебасто" is the world's largest manufacturer of automobile climatic equipment from Germany. The company offers installation and maintenance of equipment intended for the following purposes:
- The engine is warmed up before starting. Provides reliable start of the car in the winter.
- Heating the car interior. The operation of the equipment does not depend on the operation of the automotive system.
- Air conditioning of the car.
Having installed the equipment, you will forget about suchproblems like the crust of ice on the windshield of the car in the morning, cold interior and the inability to start the car the first time. You do not need to waste time warming up your car for a trip.
The concern "Webasto" also specializes in selling other types of climatic equipment, including for trucks and buses, such as:
- Gas systems for heating and air conditioning in the car room.
- Different types of roofs for cars of the "cabriolet" type.
The company is represented in fifty countries of the world. In the Russian Federation there is an Internet representation of the German concern - LLC "Webasto Rus".
We found out what "Webasto" is, and how this company helps us cope with the weather. More information you can find on the website of the Russian representative office www.webasto.ru.