With school physics, everything is known that evenidentical in body volumes, but of different materials, have a different mass at the root. From this statement it appears that if the bodies are made of one material and have one mass, then their volumes are identical. That is, the mass is directly proportional to the volume for one substance. The quantity that determines the mass-to-volume ratio is usually called the density.

Often the density is denoted by the letter of the Latin alphabet d. As already known, the volume, as well as the mass, is denoted by the letters m and V, respectively.

The concept of density is widely used in physics. For example, using a known density, one can easily find the mass of matter. To do this, just use the formula m = Vd.

For one unit of density, the densitysubstance, in which the mass is equal to unity at unit volume. According to the SI system, the density is measured in kg / m3, in the CGS system the density is measured in g / cm3, and in the MSSS system it is customary to measure the density in tem / m3.

How to calculate the specific gravity? Incredibly often, along with the notion of density, a notion is used, such as the specific gravity. The ratio of the weight of a completely homogeneous body from a certain substance to its volume is called the specific weight. The specific weight is denoted by the Latin letter?. That is, the specific gravity can be considered as gravity, which is inherent in one unit of volume of matter.

How to calculate specific weight: formula

The specific gravity is calculated by the formula y = P / V. The ratio of specific gravity and density is proportional to the ratio of weight and body weight. That is: y / d = P / m = g.

These values ​​are often used to calculatevarious physical data. To facilitate such calculations, special tables were created with information on the density of both solid and liquid substances in different measuring systems. It should be borne in mind that round-offs of measurement data for substances that do not have precise, strict density (such as wood, concrete, etc.) are often made in such tables. Remember also that very often when switching from one system of units to another, 1/10 is taken as the conversion factor (instead of the adopted one / 9.8).

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