After installing the car battery it is important to take care of its connection. Let's talk more about how to do it right.

You can connect the battery to the vehicle'sonly with disabled consumers. Next, pay attention to the fact that the battery has two poles - negative and positive. There are two wires from the car's network: one of them is black and means a positive charge, and the second is red, it has a negative charge. It is very important to correctly connect the poles and wires in the car, as this depends on the correct operation of the battery and the duration of its operation. Do this as follows:

  1. First take the black wire and fix it to the positive terminal of the battery.
  2. Now connect the red wire to the negative terminal.
  3. Make sure of the reliability of the connections, after which you can turn on the ignition in the car and check the efficiency of the battery.

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