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The castle froze: what should I do?

Winter, as you know, always comes unexpectedly, andwith it and the first frosts, which sometimes can play a cruel joke with the owner of the car, for example, to freeze the castle. Such situations usually occur when an unsuspecting driver washed the car in a car wash and did not put it in the garage for the night.

In this article, we'll tell you what to do if the lock freezes and describe the preventive measures that should be taken so that the lock does not freeze.

Than to warm up?

The lock can be heated with a rubber warmeror plastic bottle with hot water - just attach the container to the larva of the lock and hold for several minutes. However, if you are late for work, and you do not have time to look for hot water and preparing water, you can try to cope with a lighter: heat the key with a lighter and insert it into the lock - repeat the procedure several times. Attention! The method is not suitable for keys equipped with electronics.

An important point! Remember that after heating, the thawed condensate can freeze again and turn into ice. To admit such a situation is extremely undesirable, but because after heating it is desirable to blow the locks with a hairdryer.

Non-frost protection for locks

Despite the fact that it is not difficult to warm the castle,This procedure is still rather troublesome, and, of course, it's much easier to pre-treat locks with a special tool in order to protect them from freezing than running around the car with a hot water bottle in a 30-degree frost. After each washing in the autumn-winter season, inject into the larva of the lock the liquid WD-40 or any other means used to remove rust, and you will forever forget about the problem of freezing locks.

Read also:

  • Than to melt the ice
  • How to warm up the car
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