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How to assemble a rack?

In the event of damage to the shock absorber strut in the carit is necessary to replace it as soon as possible. To do this, you can use the services of specialists by contacting a specialized car service. However, there is also the option to replace the rack with your own hands. Consider how to assemble the rack.

Replacing the old shock absorber strut

Immediately, it should be noted that in this case it will be a question of replacing the spring rack, since it is the failure of this part is the most common.

You will need the following tools to work:

  • Keys on 13, 17, 18, 21 mm
  • 6 mm Allen key
  • The key for removing the bolts from the wheels

Do not forget that it is desirable to perform all work in gloves.

Rack replacement procedure

Before removing the old rack, it is necessary to put your car on the parking brake and put the wheel chocks under the rear wheels.

Then do the following:

  1. Open the hood.
  2. Hold the shock absorber rod with the key so that it does not rotate.
  3. Use another key to unscrew the upper mounting nut.
  4. Remove the thrust washer.
  5. Use the jack to lift the front of the car.
  6. Place the vehicle on the supports.
  7. Remove the wheel.
  8. Use the key to unscrew the pivots of the pivot.
  9. Remove the upper camshaft bolt.
  10. While you are turning the bolt, follow the guide pin of the brake. It must be kept from involuntary turning.
  11. Next, take the support forward, that is, just pull it on yourself.
  12. Remove the lower camshaft bolt. This way you can free up the rack.
  13. If you see that the rack is still fully usable, and the spring needs replacing, you can not change the rack. It will be enough to remove the old spring and put a new one.

Assembling the rack

In order to assemble the rack, it is necessary to perform the following actions:

  1. Install the stand in such a way that the rod is at the top.
  2. Smoothly squeeze the metal rod. Its working surface should eventually rise above the glass by 2-3 cm. The compression of the rod must be done smoothly and without jerking.
  3. After fixing the rod, return it to its original position by pulling it gently.
  4. This procedure should be repeated 2-3 times. This procedure is called "pumping the shock absorber." It is necessary in order to carry out its subsequent installation.
  5. At the end of the procedure, you must check the operating state of the shock absorber. A few times, squeeze it hard and pull the rod back. He must walk smoothly and quickly.
  6. Next, you need to put the compression buffer on the rack spring. The buffer usually consists of two turns, which, when mounted on the spring, must rest against the lower rack cup.
  7. After you fix both turns, install the upper spring cup.
  8. Secure the upper bearing and secure with a nut.
  9. After that, you can remove the buffer from the spring.

Should I use the help of professionals?

Of course, every car owner whofaced with such a problem, a similar question may arise. On the one hand, the help of a professional in this case can really come in handy, but the cost of the service will depend not only on the price of the service, but also on the condition of your car.

Unequivocally we can say that to pump andto collect racks is a simple matter and you can manage it yourself. But in order to replace the old rack with a new one correctly, it may be necessary to resort to the help of pros, since practice shows that it is during the removal of the old rack that damage occurs to certain parts of the machine (for example, the fist's finger).

Learn more about pumping racks in the article How to Pump Racks.

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