Unfortunately, at present they are very frequenta situation where, during road accidents, the driver, guilty or not, is hiding from the scene of an accident. In these situations, it may be necessary to find the owner's car by the number. Consider how to find a car on the number.

Appeal to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate

The first method is available to everyonecitizen of the Russian Federation. It consists in applying to the traffic police department. You must have any identification document with you, be it a right or a civil passport. You will also need to make a statement. In this application it is necessary to indicate the number of the desired vehicle, possibly its fragments. It is also necessary to indicate the reason for drawing up the application. In the case of a positive answer, which may have to wait a week or two, you will be given complete information about the person who owns the car, including the address of his residence, contact phone number, first name, last name, patronymic, date and place of birth of the car owner. If you do not know the exact number of the car or forgot it, specify the brand, color, any special signs, for example, the presence of scratches, damaged side lights, the presence of cracks in the glass and others.

Appeal to DPS

The second way is to appeal to DPS staff. This method is good because it helps to find the owner of the car very quickly. You need to find the nearest stationary post DPS, contact the duty officer, calling the reason. The employee will enter the information you said and on the computer will be able to find the car, finding all the information about it. If necessary, the DPS can detain the car owner.

In DPS, you should also apply if you notice an unknown car in the parking lot of your house, which is unattended for a long time, or its owner is simply not declared.

Access to special sites

The third way is to search by car number fromusing sites. In the network there are many different sites that help to find the car owner and his car on the number plate. However, it should be borne in mind that the information on such sites may be inaccurate. This is due to the fact that there is no single database of numbers in the Russian Federation: each number is assigned to a regional base. Therefore, it is recommended to use the help of road service employees. In addition, it should be borne in mind that such sites may be fraudulent.

Usually such sites request sms from the user, for which a certain amount is withdrawn. On this all the service ends on the pretext of technical problems.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with other articles on the topic:

  • How to find the owner of the car
  • How to punch a car number
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