Despite the fact that mobile phones formodern man has long become a familiar and at the same time an affordable thing, many believe that the tablet should also have a communication function. However, how can I call from the tablet? What features or functions should it have so that the user can make a call?

Cellular function

When buying a tablet, pay attention to the availabilityfunction Cellular, which in English means "Cellular". Of course, a tablet with such a "chip" is more expensive than usual, but it is thanks to it that the user can make calls plus use the mobile Internet from the cellular operator. At the moment, there is no shortage of tablets equipped with such a function, and you can find them without much difficulty.

As a rule, you can see on the package of the devicethe model name and an additional message "Cellular + 3G" or "Cellular + 4G". This means that the device is also able to work as a mobile phone. The difference between these two notations is only that 4G is a newer communication standard, the so-called fourth generation. In terms of making calls, there is no tangible difference between the standards.

Please note, if there is an inscription on the label"+ 3G" or "+ 4G", but there is no "Cellular", this may mean that this tablet does not have a call function, it only works with the Internet of the third and fourth generations.

Call from the tablet, equipped with the function Cellular, you can as well as with a normal mobile phone. Simply select the function of the call, dial the number and call.

How do I call a tablet without Cellular?

A reasonable question arises as to whether it is possible to call fromtablet without a call function? If the device does not have such a function, then it simply does not have the so-called GSM communication module. However, if you download special programs, for example, the same Skype or Whats App, then you can make a call on both the cell phone and the home number. You will only need access to the Internet, which you can get if you have a tablet connection to the Internet through Wi-Fi.

How to call from tablet to Android or iOS, Windows?

In fact, the tablet operating system does notdoes not affect the possibility of a call if the device has the necessary function. Therefore, if the other person has a tablet with the Cellular function, then you can call from the tablet, as with a regular smartphone with the same iOS or Android. If not, then you can use Skype.

Conclusions on the aforesaid

As an inference, we can say that if youinterested in the possibility of calls to certain cellular operators, it will be more convenient to purchase a tablet with the Cellular function, for which you will also need a SIM card of the cellular operator. However, if you do not want to spend money on additional features of the device, you can use free programs for calls. However, it should be remembered that calls with their help are more expensive, unless it is a question of intercity or calls abroad.

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