Both fast engine overheating and longthe period of reaching the operating temperature, can have the same cause - a malfunction of the thermostat. This small but very important device responds to the cooling system for regulating the circulation of the cooling liquid. Its function is to ensure a quick warm-up of the cold engine, as well as to prevent overheating of the motor operating in the optimum mode.

In order to make sure that the violations in theThe operation of the cooling system is due to a malfunction of the thermostat, there are several ways to check its operation. Usually the thermostat is located in the space between the engine and the radiator and therefore, using the methods of its verification directly at the installation site, you should be careful not to burn yourself with hot elements. The ways in which to check the operation of the thermostat are based on the principle of its operation. They consist in the fact that the device opens and closes the pipeline valve, circulating the coolant either over a large circle (i.e., through a radiator) or over a small one.

  • The first way is to giveRun the engine for 2-3 minutes and then gently feel the hose from the thermostat to the radiator. If the hose is cold, then everything is in order. If warm - means, the valve is closed loosely and the engine will longly heat up to the operating temperature. This circumstance leads to over-consumption of fuel. Next, let the engine warm up to operating temperature, that is, up to 85-90 degrees. After that, again feel the pipe connecting the thermostat to the radiator. It must be hot. If it remains cold, then the thermostat jammed in the closed position. In this case, the engine can overheat, since the coolant is not able to circulate along the large contour.
  • The second method is similar to the first, but it is more simple. It is necessary to start the car and let the engine heat up to the operating temperature. After this, it is necessary to gently feel the upper hose leading to the radiator and the lower hose that extends from the radiator. If the upper hose is hot and the bottom hose is cold, then the thermostat is defective, as it does not circulate the coolant over the large circuit.
  • The next way is to testthermostat at home. Before checking the thermostat in this way, the engine should be allowed to cool and drain the coolant. The thermostat is removed, placed in any suitable container and filled with water. The water is heated on the stove to a boil. The fault is detected visually. If the valve has opened, then the thermostat is working, if not - it's time to change it. The fact is that inside the cylinder available in the thermostat, an artificial wax is placed, which begins to melt at a temperature of 82 ° C. Expanding, the wax pushes the pin that opens the valve. When the wax cools, the pin moves back.
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