Many car owners know all about ABS. But what about the rest? About what ABS is, our article will tell.

Antilock Brake System (ABS) is an antilock braking system.

The principle of its operation is quite simple: The ABS will not allow complete blocking of the wheels during the braking of the car, that is, if the car is suddenly braked, the wheels will not be blocked and will not go into a skid, which will allow driving even on roads where there is a small coefficient of adhesion, such as snow, dirt or rain.

The ABS system can be felt by the characteristic vibration of the brake pedal during intensive braking. It is not possible to release the brake pedal, but it is necessary, on the contrary, to press on it even more.

The principle of the anti-lock system

Each car has a special sensor system. Some sensors control the speed of rotation of the wheels, others - the speed of the car.

ABS consists of:

  • Special sensors that are mounted on the wheels and record the speed of their rotation.
  • An electronic unit that processes data.
  • The modulator, whose function is a cyclic change of pressure on the brake line.

At the time of emergency braking, in a car withoutABS wheel systems will be blocked and it will go into skid. On the same car with ABS, the wheel sensors learn that the wheels have stopped and the car itself continues to move, at this moment the wheel sensors transmit a signal that is designed to reduce the braking force on these wheels, the braking system, so that the wheels become unlocked and the car easily avoids skidding.

Today ABS is included in the standard set of almost all cars.

Now you know what ABS is in the car!

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