There are satellites in our life that are very important for usroads. These are things, objects or what accompanies us constantly, to whose help we count. This category includes the car. He is akin to a family member, helps at home at work and on vacation. A family member must have a name. Think about how to name the car?

What's in your name

The nickname of a steel horse may be due tobrand, model, color, personality of the owner, the genus of his activity. In any case, it must be remembered that the name determines the character and destiny, so take it seriously. It is interesting to many why the car was called a car. But everything is very simple. The word originated from Latin and Ancient Greek, designates a mechanism and movement. The purpose of the mechanism is to facilitate the work of man or to completely exclude him.

"Horch" is also a machine

For many, there are "slang" and popularautomotive nicknames that define a particular model. Of course, Bakha, Bumer and Bayan are associated only with the cars of the BMW concern, the titular Audi A8 car in the world of motorists is known as Avoska. By the way, the name "Audi" was replaced by "Horch", this is how it was called "the lord of the rings" in the 40s.

"Pyzhik" sounds funny, and Peugeot cars are quiteworthy. And there is also a favorite "kopeck", "death capsule" - an eye, "microbe" -issan mikra, "tushkan" -hendai taxon and a great many nicknames for each brand and the entire model range of any global concern.

Thank you daughter for Mercedes

Probably, the thought of how affectionately to call the carEmil Ellinek was also concerned. Indeed, it is thanks to the name of his daughter and the care of his father, we still admire the "Mercedes". Many brands of cars carry the names and surnames of their ancestors - Ford, Citroen, Opel.

Design and design thought tries to embody the future appearance of the car in the model name. Much more colorful is the name in the form of a word than a simple set of numbers.

But every car owner is her ownowner and friend of his "iron horse". He has the right to choose for himself (or her) a sonorous and beautiful name. Common names are "swallow", "zhuzha", "mustang". Very popular among men and women are real names for cars (with a derivative from the "factory" name) - Venya, Lusia, Asya, Vovka, Vitek, Snezhana, etc.

A flight of fantasy in the question of how to name a car is an endless process. For there is no limit to perfection for an impeccable and useful mechanism.

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