In accordance with the Federal Law of 23.11.2009 No. 261-F3 proprietors of housing in apartment buildings must have installed before July 1, 2012 individual appliances for recording the consumption of hot and cold water. Many have already installed meters in their apartments, and those who doubt whether the water meter is profitable, jointly pay bills for its overspending.


If you live in an ordinary apartment and spend only on standard human needs, installing meters will result in lower utility bills for water.

In the case when someone is temporarily absent fromfamily members, you will significantly save on utility bills. Every person living in an apartment consumes on the average only 30-50% of the established standard. Per person, the savings can be up to 500 rubles per month. This will be a tangible amount, especially in the case when the apartment is inhabited by fewer people than prescribed.

Many doubt whether meters are beneficial to water, inIn the case where there are more people in the house than it is registered. However, the difference between actual water consumption and the standard is so great that even if there are four people in the apartment, and only three are prescribed, the actual consumption of the meter will be less than indicated in the receipt for a rate of three people. And it is still possible to save on utility bills a considerable amount.

The mechanism of payment is very simple and understandable to everyone. Every month you take the readings of the instruments and transmit these data to the EIRTS. Data on water consumption can be transmitted by any convenient means of communication: via the Internet, telephone, fax and address forms, personally delivered to the EIRTS.

When taking readings from the meter, it is necessarypay attention to the condition of plumbing fixtures in the apartment, monitor the condition of the flushing tank and all the faucets in the bathroom in order to prevent the leakage of water.

The life of the meter depends on the date of itsthe next verification. Instruments are coming from the factory already attorneys. Calibration interval is indicated in the technical passport. The State Standard of the Russian Federation has established an inter-calibration interval, which is

  • for meters measuring cold water - not less than 5 years
  • for meters that change the hot water - not less than 4 years.

Now you know whether it is advantageous to put water meters.

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